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Welcome to Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok

Congregation Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (CBEY), under the leadership of Rabbi Zvi & Rebbetzin Paghit Ralbag, strives to be a warm and caring community shul that encourages davening and Torah study.  Founded in 2000 in Woodmere, NY by families from varied yeshiva backgrounds, CBEY has grown to over 100 families, all dedicated to the ideal of living meaningful Jewish lives.


Mazel Tov!!

Mazal tov to Chani and Simcha Axelrod on the aufruf of Yosef this Shabbos!. May the family be zoche to build a bayos ne'eman b'yisroel.


Mazal tov to Chani and Simcha Axelrod on the engagement of their daughter Meira to David Silverman son of Nomi and Daniel Silverman of Los Angeles!. May the family be zoche to build a bayos ne'eman b'yisroel.


Mazal tov to Mindy and Daniel Aryeh and the entire family on the birth of twin boys, Shmuel Ilan and Yair Yosef, to their children, Chani and Yaacov Panitch of Yerushalayim. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Dr. Ken and Alise Panitch of Cherry Hill, NJ. Mazal tov to the great grandparents Ben and Sarit’s Greszes, Marlene and the late Emanuel Aryeh, a”h, Rabbi Herbert and the late Evelin Panitch, a”h and Myrna and the late Arnald Young, a”h.


Mishloach Manos

The CBEY Sisterhood is organizing the Mishloach Manos program for our members. The cost per family is $120. Sponsorships are available (Silver - $136, Gold - $154). We are once again offering the following options for sending Mishloach Manos to the Israeli soldiers:

1. Mishloach Manos packages for the IDF soldiers - $20 per package

2. Enhanced mishloach manos packages for a displaced/re-settled family - $55 per family

3. Mitzvos Purim for families of injured soldiers. The package will include food for a Purim seuda, mishloach manos for the children, and additional funds for matanos l'evyonim - $100 per family.

All payments should be made on the CBEY website.  Please log in to your shul cloud account and select from the Mishloach Manos options on the Donate page.  If selecting several packages, either make multiple payments for each Mishloach Manos item, or select your Mishloach Manos contribution/sponsorship level and update the total to reflect any add-ons (you must specify in the payment notes which items you have added on). You can also pay via Zelle to, specifying in the memo your name, sponsorship level, as well as any additional packages. Please email with any questions. THE DEADLINE IS MONDAY, MARCH 3rd.



The shul thanks Gila and Elie Cohen who have graciously sponsored the shul's electricity for chodesh Shevat l'zecher nishmas אלכסנדרה חנה בת ר' צבי אהרן.

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785